Sheathing is a common term for those engaged in residential or commercial construction. It is an outer layer or covering for the walls, ceiling, roof, and wall framing for added structure. For a layman, understanding the concept of sheathing (more specifically, Densglass Sheathing) and its benefits are difficult to comprehend. Densglass is the heart of this article. Let us dive into the details;

What is Densglass Sheathing?

Densglass Sheathing
Densglass Sheathing

Densglass is popularly in use in the construction industry. However, the construction crew places them before other more aesthetically pleasing coverings. The purpose is safety and structural strength instead of aesthetic appeal of the home.

So, this sheathing serves many purposes; it provides the foundation for various materials like siding and roofing. As a result, you get a stable structure that withstands the elements and other weather conditions.

Moreover, if your home is in an area where rain is an everyday thing, you can protect the structure of your building with Densglass. The material is highly durable and is suitable for adding shear strength to the building shell. Likewise, you can use Densglass due to its resistance to moisture and frictional forces.

That is why they are common in the construction of residential and commercial buildings. The best qualities of this sheathing makes it the ideal sheathing choice. You can protect your home if you live where rain, hail storms, and humidity are recurring issues.


Densglass has many incredible properties. This gypsum panel, made of treated water-resistant core surfaced with fiberglass mats, is best in preventing wobbling. However, you can use it for the exteriors of your basement ceilings, roofs, and soffits. Let us see how Densglass can benefit you and your home specifically;

Best for added protection to the building: 

Worker Installing Densglass Sheathing on Windows
Worker Installing Densglass Sheathing

it is best for protecting the home and lends structural support to the walls. The Densglass provides a lot to the function to the walls.

It Resists Rots:

Densglass has its uses in many homes due to its rot-resistant quality. So, it is best to increase the rigidity of the walls. 

It promotes Structural strength:

if you need a structure for your exterior walls, you can use the Densglass because it is best for insulation, finishing, and stone veneer applications. 

It provides Firmness: 

The product possesses resistant qualities against rippling, buckling, and staffing, which makes it an ideal sheathing product for soffits. This sheathing can span the wall studs and make them more stable.

Safest Product:

Densglass has an incombustible quality. Moreover, it shows slightly more flexibility compared to other sheathing materials. Hence, they make the perfect choice for exterior walls. 

The Ease of Handling:

Densglass is not heavy, and one can handle it easily. It is lightweight, which makes it ideal to cut and fasten even with drywall tools and fasteners. It is usable in areas where you need the replacement for cement board or other sheathing products. 

Easy to install: 

You can easily install Densglass, but calling a professional is better. They may charge you $2 for a square foot. You can have an estimate of the cost based on the area.

An Economical Option: 

Densglass is ideal for sheathing because it is cheaper than other products. So, you can trust this environmentally friendly and non-toxic alternative. 

Moisture Resistant:

Densglass contains moisture resistance properties and is an ideal option to use at home. It will help you protect your home from potential damage.

An overall Cost: 

Densglass provides the most suitable service for years to come. You don’t need much for maintenance, and it also does not require any replacement.

Thus, you can use Densglass sheathing because it is the preferred substrate beneath brick, stone, siding, and exterior insulation systems. It is a cost-effective and efficient material for your roofs, ceilings, and floors and provides the best protection for the exterior or basement walls. Sheathing is also a preferred idea for insulation purposes. It is best for locking the heat and cold inside. So, if you use the Densglass for insulation, you are being energy-efficient.

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Types of Densglass Sheathing

Densglass is a durable product for commercial and industrial purposes. You can use them for several reasons, and the top reasons are their mold and fire-resistant qualities. Densglass is durable, and you don’t have to replace it frequently like other cheap options. Let us now dive into the details of the types of Densglass sheathing.

Densglass Gold: 

If you want to protect your home from the elements, the Densglass gold sheathing provides the best servicesIt is one of the types of Densglass sheathing that has high performance and can withstand the worst weather conditions.Some of the top traits of the Densglass gold include moisture and fire resistance. Thus, you can use this sheathing in homes or buildings susceptible to hurricanes, disasters, and earthquakes.

Densglass Silver: 

Densglass silver is another type of Densglass sheathing, which is suitable for a variety of applications. It is comparatively more affordable and is also ideal for homes that are in areas with moderate climates.

Densglass Shaft liner: 

This sheathing type is ideal for stairwells and elevator shafts. You can enjoy using it as it is also resistant to fire and moisture.

The Downside of the Densglass Sheathing

There are some demerits of Densglass, which we will discuss in this section. Besides all the benefits, it has comparative weight and installation disadvantages.


it is lightweight and easy to handle, but there are lighter sheathing options too. So, you may find the other sheathing materials handy. But for the benefits, the weight should not be a big concern.


Densglass requires professional installation for long-term benefits. You may not have the specific tools and equipment available at home.

Cost Estimations

We discussed above how beneficial this sheathing is for various purposes. You may invest in this when it comes to building construction. You can use it for residential or commercial purposes, but one thing that worries all of us might be the estimated cost of it.

Other than the material cost, many other factors may affect the entire cost. So, you have to include all these factors in it. Therefore, consider the area, labor type, installation difficulty, and insulation rating in your final expense. 

Example one: Suppose you have an area of a thousand square feet to cover. The cost you incur is low-cost labor because of the minimal installation complexity. You should expect your expenses to be somewhere from $2191.27 to $3695.42.

Example Two: Now let us have an estimated cost for the other example where we have 2000 square feet, medium labor cost, and typical installation complexity; you may expect an average expense between $6153.40 and $10182.73.

Example Three: This is another example you can consider. Suppose the area is approximately 3,000 square feet, with high installation and labor costs. Your expense might increase and lie in the range of $11199.23 to $20576.27.

Don’t consider these examples as ultimate costs because many things vary depending on your region. Likewise, if you do a careful cost analysis, it is better to have an on-site visit for better preliminary planning and estimation.

Alternatives to Densglass Sheathing

Are you also wondering about the alternatives? If yes, let us tell you about an alternate that you can use if you don’t want to use this sheathing;

Plywood Sheathing

You can use plywood sheathing as an alternative. It is also a reliable sheathing material to enhance the stability and firmness of your home. These two vary on some basis, so let us have a detailed look at which makes the better option for sheathing purposes;

  1. Densglass is waterproof and resists moisture. The plywood is moisture-resistant but is not as good as Densglass.
  2. Densglass is a glass fiber panel that you can use. On the other hand, plywood is a wood-based structural product. 
  3. Densglass is a bit expensive, but plywood is comparatively costlier than Densglass.
  4. Densglass has a quick installation process, and there is no need for additional work on it. The plywood requires sealing and painting.
  5. You will find Densglass fire-resistant, which makes it an ideal option. The plywood lacks the fire ranking.
  6. Densglass is also an environmentally friendly and sustainable product. Plywood, on the other hand, contains chemicals. 

Final Remarks: 

If you live in areas susceptible to wildfires and disaster, use Densglass sheathing. It is entirely fire-proof. Moreover, it makes an ideal option for use on the exterior of buildings.The material is strong, durable, resists swelling, and stands firm against elements.

For any repairs, installations, builds, or questions; We recommend you to hire a professional. Find A Pro Near You Here!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is there any alternative to Densglass?

If you want to use an alternate sheathing, purchase plywood sheathing. It is the alternative to Densglass, and plywood is also a great option.

How does Densglass differ from plywood in terms of cost?

Both are incredible sheathing products, but the plywood is cheaper comparatively.

How does Densglass sheathing look?

This sheathing type comes in a dark green or gray color and has it in slabs of different sizes. 

Is it easy to install Densglass?

It is not easy to install because you may not have the required tools at home. So, get professional help while installing the Densglass.