If your mobile home had a raised front or back yard, then you may need to build steps there. If you know basic carpentry skills, you can easily make the mobile home steps. Though there are some technicalities and difficulties in making the mobile home steps, do-it-yourself people can do it with some precautions.

Our team is going to discuss the whole process of building home mobile steps in detail. For this, you need to follow the strict construction codes while building mobile home steps. If you don’t follow these codes, there is a great possibility of tripping from these steps. This means you can’t make any mistakes while measuring and constructing the layout of your project.

So, the first step in building the mobile home steps is to know the local construction codes. After that, you need to decide whether you want steps or stairs. These are different from each other. So, you need to know the difference too before making your final decision.

Mobile Home Steps vs Stairs

Let’s discuss the detailed differences between steps and stairs.


The mobile home steps are DIY-friendly projects which everyone can do. It is made of individual steps which have a staircase leading to your entryway.

This project is cost-effective which makes this project easy on your pockets. Moreover, they are reasonable for different types of entries. If your mobile home is at the ground level, at an elevated height, or at different entry heights; steps are ideal for it.


Stairs require professional help and assistance because they are more complex than the steps. They are a broader platform which has handrails on both sides. It provides enhanced aesthetics and safety.

They are more expensive than the steps because they require more material and tend to be more expensive. They are beneficial for those people who have mobility challenges as they provide access to mobile homes with raised entry points.

As stairs require professional assistance, we are not focusing on them here. We are going to discuss how you can make mobile home steps on your own.

How to Build Mobile Home Steps-2

Understanding the Construction Terms of Home Mobile Steps

Before starting the construction of the mobile home steps, you should acquaint yourself with the linguistic terms in this world. If you know the correct vocabulary, you can construct them easily.

So, let’s start with understanding these terms.

1. Tread

This is the part of the stairs that you step on a daily basis. It is the horizontal surface that you put your feet on while climbing the stairs. They can be straight or convex.

Your local construction codes will decide their length, depth, and width. But, they are mostly around 1-1 ¼ inch thick and 10 ½ to 11 ½ inch wide.

2. Rise

This is the vertical distance between two steps. They are the spacing between two consecutive treads. You need to determine the height of your step according to the local building codes. But, the standard size of it is around 7 ¾.

3. Run

The run is the total length of your one step. It determines how much depth your one step should be. The standard size of these are approximately 8 ¼ inch to 9 inch. But, they can vary in your local codes.

4. Stringer

They are usually the frame that is present on the bottom and side of the stairs. They support our stairs and staircases. You will use them on wooden steps.

The structure of each stair is made on the stringer. Their material and how much you need them depends on the material and other requirements of your steps.

4. Slope

The slope is the angle of your stairs. You should know the slope while making cuts on your stringer. Ideally, the angle of your slope should be 30 to 35 degrees. But, your steep stairs can have an angle of 50 to 70 degrees.

5. Railing

You may know about the railing already. It is the horizontal support bar a person can use to move up and down on the steps. We recommend you have it for safety purposes.

Moreover, your local code may also make it essential for you to have the railing. Commonly, steps with four or more treads should have at least one railing. Also, the code will tell you the length of it. It is mostly around 34 inches.

6. Newel Posts

They are the sturdy posts usually present at the bottom and top of the stairs. They provide more strength to your handrail and are essential for safety purposes.

7. Landings

These are the landings on the top of the steps. This is the large flat surface that connects mobile home steps to the entryway.

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Type of Material Used in Home Mobile Steps

There are four basic materials used in constructing mobile home steps. You need to select which one you want to use on your home steps.

1. Wood

This is the most commonly used and most convenient material in building mobile home steps. Because it is affordable and easily available.

But, you need to consider a few aspects of it. These steps are prone to insects and rot, and the water can cause damage. So, if you live in rainy places, this material is not a good choice for you.

Moreover, you need to invest in a concrete pad to give additional support to the mobile home steps.

2. Metal

If you want temporary steps, then this material is useful for you. It is also affordable and doesn’t require much of your time. It is lightweight and requires only a few screws to construct.

3. Concrete

They are the most popular option for mobile home steps because they are durable and can last for years.

However, this material is expensive, heavy, and requires a lot of groundwork to keep them stable. Also, with time, their aesthetic appeal can get damaged.

4. Fiberglass

We recommend using this material for your mobile home steps. Because they are affordable, lightweight, long-lasting, will never chip, and weather-resistant. They are also easy to install and low maintenance material.

They have wood frames with glass-fiber reinforced resin. They also have a slip-resistant structure.

But, in this project, you need to check your local building codes before buying this material.

So, this is all the essential data you need to know before starting your project.

Process of Installing Mobile Home Steps

This guide is ideal when you are building wooden mobile home steps. But, the general idea is almost the same for every type of step.

1. Do the Necessary Measurements

You need to measure the distance from the ground to the level you want your steps to end. For example, if you want your steps leading from one floor to another, measure the distance between them.

You may need a lever to find the distance. Now, consult your local building codes and find out the length and width of your stairs. This means you need to know about the measurements of treads, risers, and runs to know how many steps you need to make.

Now, divide the vertical distance with the minimum measurement of risers. The result will tell you the number of treads you need.

When you divide the distance by the number of treads, you will get the measurement for your risers

You also need to determine the length of your staircase after considering the upper floor’s thickness, floor-joist height, and drywall thickness.

2. Create Stair Landing

It is best to create a stair landing with the help of a concrete pad to give extra support to your steps.

For it, you should install concrete footers to get extra support. To make it, you need lumber, concrete blocks, gravel, a saw, drill screws, and a level.

You should make sure that the ground is level and clean. Moreover, add a layer of gravel to ensure stability.

Now, take the lumber and construct a level and square wooden frame. Attach this frame to your mobile home steps. After that, you need to add concrete blocks under the frame.

When concrete starts losing its sheen, you should smooth it with a float. Now, use a concrete edger to give it a refined look. Then, spray the pad with a sealant or cure.

When the concrete is settled down, remove the wooden frame.

3. Cut Stringers

Now, you need to cut the stringers. Now that you have the measurements and knowledge of local business codes, you just need to ensure that you are cutting the right measurements.

The experts mostly do measurements at least two times before cutting the stringers. This act saves their material and time. Moreover, they prefer cutting the stringers in a well-lit and clean environment.

You need to be relaxed and calm while doing this activity. For it, you need a framing square, stringers, a pencil, a circular saw, and a handsaw.

Now, put the framing square on the step gauges to determine the rise and run of your mobile home steps. Put the framing square at the corner and mark the angles with a pencil. It will be your top run.

Now, slide it downwards on the lumber and keep doing the task for the other steps too. You need to do it until you reach the bottom run.

After doing this task, you need to cut the toe kick thickness from the top step. For it, add a perpendicular cutline.

Simultaneously, you need to cut the thread thickness. For it, mark a line perpendicular to the rise.

Now, cut the strings with a circular saw and give a finishing look to it with your handsaw.

4. Installing The Stringers

In the end, you just need to bolt your stringers with your mobile home. While doing this activity, you should make sure that your stringers are secured in the right position.

After doing this, install the risers and run appropriately on your stringer. Moreover, if you want, add the railing for security.

This concludes this guide on the installation of mobile home steps.

For any repairs, installations, builds, or questions; We recommend you to hire a professional. Find A Pro Near You Here!